1. Daily Points: Students receive a point each day for how they conduct themselves in class. This makes up roughly 20% of their final grade.
a. Daily points can be lost by: being off-task, talking excessively, misusing materials, etc.
2. Project Points: There are 4 points available for every day of in class work on a project, which is about 80% of their final grade. For example: A project that is 3 days of in-class work will be worth 12 points. Project points are separate from Daily points.
a. Project points are divided into three categories: Followed Directions, Material Use, and Time Use. Each of these categories will be worth approximately one third of the project's grade.
3. Comments: Comments are given on projects so that students are able to reflect on their work by looking at the specific feedback on their project. An example of a comment below.
I hope this explanation is helpful. As always if you have any questions about grading or projects, feel welcome to contact me at: droberts@dalat.org